Chakras are the seven energy centers arranged in a straight line down the human spine. For a human to be in peak mental and physical condition, it is believed that the flow of energy in their chakras must be unblocked.. However, this isn’t always the case, and many ways exist to unblock/heal/balance these energy centers. One of such ways is through coffee drinking – yes, coffee drinking. Brewed Passion is a single-origin medium-dark roast coffee from Honduras that can help support the sacral chakra.

Firstly, though, read on to learn about the seven main chakras, what they are associated with, and how they can be leveraged to improve your health and quality of life. 

What are the Seven Chakras?

colors and locations of the 7 chakras

From top to bottom, as depicted on the human spine, here are the 7 chakras:

  1. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)
  2. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)
  3. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)
  4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)
  5. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  6. Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra)
  7. Muladhara (Root Chakra)

Other than their locations, these chakras differ in functions as well. The root chakra, for instance, is associated with stability and security. Meanwhile, the third eye chakra (as the name and location imply) is associated with wisdom, intuition, and imagination.

Of all these, though, the chakra influenced by Brewed Passion is the sacral chakra. This chakra is involved with emotions, creativity, and sexuality. It is located around where the sacral spine is, below the navel. The color associated with the sacral chakra is orange, and its symbol is one of six lotus petals surrounding a circular center.

The Usefulness of the Sacral Chakra

symbol of the sacral chakra

As is expected of the chakra of sensuality and emotions, this energy center is closely involved in how we perceive life and how much pleasure we derive from it. A balanced sacral chakra plays a huge role in how we understand our relationships with ourselves, others, and with the world at large. When this chakra is blocked, people might feel overwhelmed by emotions and situations. It could also lead to a loss of interest in sex.

However, beyond these spiritual and emotional functions, the sacral chakra affects our physical health as well. It has been indicated that a blocked sacral energy could result in impotence, pelvic-lower abdominal pain, and other issues. 

How to unblock the Sacral Chakra?

There are many ways to balance the chakras, and the most common of these are meditation, yoga, and affirmations.

  1. Yoga: Yoga largely calls on the principle of balance. It seeks to calm the flux of human emotions. This control over emotions is in tune with the sacral chakra. The connection between the two also explains why women looking to rediscover their sexual side are often encouraged to take up yoga.
  2. Meditation: Meditation can be used to focus on the energy of the sacral. To practice this, assume a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and imagine an orange mass with a healing aura radiating from it. You can also imagine the sacral symbol of petals. While in this position and with the image in place, chant the sacral mantra “VAM.” Repeat this once a day, every day.
  3. Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements used to build confidence and mindset. They have been used by spiritual people as well professionals in the fields of psychology, fitness, and more. With chakras, certain affirmations are used to heal particular energy centers. Some affirmations that can be repeated for the sacral chakra are:
  • “I am free to express my sexuality.”
  • “My creativity flows freely.”
  • “I am in total control of my emotions.”
  • “I can handle whatever challenges I face.”
  • “I am one with my emotions and sexuality.”

Similar affirmations can be used, provided their intent matches the functionality of the sacral chakra. 

Regardless of the method one employs in balancing or unblocking the sacral chakra, our Brewed Passion coffee is glad to play partner in the journey to well-being.

Origins of Brewed Passion

These coffee beans are planted and grown in Honduras (The Marcala, La Paz region). The region’s altitude has been indicated to be around 1300 – 1700 meters. The altitude grants the region a perfect temperature for growing coffee. This, combined with the clay soil and devotion of the country to old selection processes, has made Honduran Coffee the envy of other South American coffee producers. 

Like all coffee grown in Honduras, the quality is top-notch. This medium-dark roast coffee is naturally washed and sun-dried to preserve its flavor. Coffee has become a great source of pride in Honduras, and the quality of its coffee exports shows that. The flavor notes you can come to expect from a mug of Brewed Passion are caramel, spice, and brown sugar. 

front view of the Brewed Passion product


Other Uses of Brewed Passion

Brewed Passion is an exotic coffee drink possessing affiliations to the Sacral chakra. Yet, it is not meant for spiritual people alone. It can be consumed by anyone (male or female).

You do not have to believe in Ayurveda or yoga to enjoy a cup of coffee. Furthermore, this isn’t just any type of coffee; this is Honduran coffee. Honduran coffee is some of the best coffee globally, and there is a distinct difference in taste from region to region within the country. As such, if you haven’t tried out coffee from the ‘Marcala, La Paz,’ you should be trying this out. 


Brewed Passion can be important to supporting the sacral chakra. Still, the coffee can be enjoyed solely for its flavor as well. You don’t have to meditate or practice yoga; you can just be a devoted coffee lover having a great cup.

Pick up a bag of Brewed Passion today!

March 18, 2022

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