The Brew Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Balance Your 7 Chakras

Chakras are our body's energy hubs. The seven major chakras run along your spine and each relates specific spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of you.

Much speculation exists about the size and shape of the chakras. Some people consider them as small as one foot in radius, while others say they change according to the energy flow. Many refer to its shape as whirling discs, spheres, or balls. However, it's beyond and above the scope of human imagination to say anything that confirms it.

Read on to learn more about the seven chakras, their origin, history, how to balance them, and much more.

What Are Chakras?

Seven main chakras run from the base of your spine (your coccyx) to the crown of your head. They go through the front, back, and sides of your body. Though most of us cannot see chakras, we can learn to feel them.  

The Sanskrit word ‘Chakra’ means ‘wheel’ or 'disc,' which refers to energy hubs that relate to pecific glands, organs, and nerves as well as spiritual and emotional facets of you. Blockage or non-functioning of any one of the chakras can lead to an emotional, physical, or psychological symptom. That’s why, it's important to maintain good energy health to keep the chakras aligned, open, and fluid.

Ways Chakras can become blocked

Modern day living is stressful. And we are all aware of the host of problems that prolonged imbalance and overwhelm can cause. Conditions such as illness, hurting bones and muscles, allergies, and mental health crises like depression and anxiety are not symptoms. They are messages from the body that one or more chakras is out of balance.

Chakras may become blocked from sustained poor posture, destructive thoughts, eating unhealthy food, and hanging out with too many toxic people, this can include family, social, or workplace.

The good news is that with some practice and intention, you can balance your chakras and live the best version of your empowered self. First, keep reading to learn more about each of the seven main chakras, their location, and their physical manifestations.

Seven Main Chakras

Root Chakra

Color: Red
Element related to it: Earth
Crystals associated with it: Red Jasper, Onyx, and Hematite
Location: Base of spine, pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.
Sanskrit name: Muladhara

The root chakra is the first chakra and is present at birth. It is associated with feeling grounded and your ability to face challenges. This chakra is connected to anything that keeps us connected to the ground, including the basic survival needs like food, water, and shelter. Likewise, foundational emotional needs like love, safety, and fear are also affected by the root chakra.

Blockage of the root chakra may manifest into nightmares, anxiety, restlessness, or insecurity. This, in turn, can affect your drive and will power, causing you to feel frustrated and purposeless. On the other hand, if the root chakra is overactive, you can get too attached to the physical and material world.

Learn affirmations and ways to balance and open the
root chakra.

Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange
Element related to it: Water
Crystal associated with it: Sunstone, Carnelian, and Tiger’s eye
Location: Just below the belly button and above the pubic bone
Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana

The sacral chakra influences our ability to feel pleasure, creativity, and sexual desires in healthy ways. It is the hub where you process your emotions, both negative and positive. It also relates to the feelings of others.

When this chakra is balanced, you experience happiness, satisfaction, and positivity. You can keep this energy wheel turning and fluid by becoming aware of your emotions; expressing your creative side with art, music, dance; or submerging in water such as the beach, lake, pool, or even a warm bath.

The sacral chakra can be blocked by Guilt. A blockage of this chakra may make you feel uninspired, emotionally unstable, fearful of change, and depressed. On the other hand, if the sacral chakra gets too active, it can cause emotional outbursts or addictions to sexual feelings and thoughts.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow
Element related to it: Fire
Crystal associated with it: Citrine, Pyrite, and Amber
Location: Between the navel and bottom of the rib cage
Sanskrit name: Manipura

The solar plexus chakra characterizes the emotions of your power like confidence, joy, anger, ego, and aggression. It is where your ‘gut feeling’ comes from. It is said to govern
the digestive system. Therefore, an imbalance can cause digestive problems like gas, liver issues, and diabetes. You may feel depressed, have low self-esteem, be angry, and become a perfectionist when this chakra is out of balance. You may also have trouble in decision making, feeling lethargic, and allowing others to take advantage of you.

When the chakra is aligned, you become a powerhouse of energy, productivity, and in control of your life. However, an overactive solar plexus chakra can make you self-centered, hyperactive, and power-hungry.

Heart Chakra

Color: Green and pink
Element related to it: Air
Crystal associated with it: Rose quartz, Jade, and Malachite
Location: Center of the heart region.
Sanskrit name: Anahata

The Heart Chakra connects the lower chakras of matter and upper chakras of spirit. It influences your feelings of passion, compassion, trust, love, and attachment. The heart chakra is responsible for emotional healing, forgiveness and balanced mental health.

When it is aligned, you can feel optimism, motivation, and friendliness. The heart chakra is associated with balance, calmness, and serenity. A blocked heart chakra can give rise to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others. It can lead to difficulty in forgiving others and getting over past problems or mistakes. Overactivity of the heart chakra may generate codependency, which can lead to vague boundaries with no defined parameters.

Throat Chakra

Color: Light Blue
Element related to it: Ether
Crystal associated with it: Lapis lazuli, Aquamarine, and Kyanite
Location: Area of throat
Sanskrit name: Vishuddha

The throat chakra influences your ability to express yourself and be creative. It clearly and lovingly helps you communicate your inner thoughts. When it is harmonized, the throat chakra regulates the flow of hormones that build creativity, a sense of satisfaction, and communication.

When it’s blocked, you may find it hard to express your emotions, remain focused, or may feel judgmental. Physically, an imbalanced throat chakra may cause sore throat, thyroid issues, headaches, and neck and shoulder stiffness. If it gets overactive, you may become too critical, overly expressive, and domineering.

Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo
Element related to it: Light
Crystal associated with it: Purple fluorite, Labradorite, and Amethyst
Location: Slightly above the center of the eyebrows
Sanskrit name: Ajna

The third eye chakra regulates clear thinking, spiritual stillness, and self-reflection. It is associated with intuition and your reality based on what you choose to perceive in the world. When working normally, the third eye supports intelligence, visualization, discernment, and imagination. One can experience more vibrance and confidence in terms of spiritual and emotional well-being.

Imbalance in the third eye chakra can result in physical symptoms like headaches, blurry vision, and eye strain. Emotionally, an imbalance may leave you feeling non-assertive, fearful of success, and self-centered. On the contrary, overactivity of this chakra can make you more judgmental and dismissive and can develop into an over-active imagination

Crown Chakra

Color: Violet
Element related to it: None
Crystal associated with it: Lepidolite, Selenite, and Clear quartz
Location: At the crown of the head
Sanskrit name: Sahasrara

The seventh chakra, the crown, characterizes enlightenment and spiritual connection to the divine. Balancing this chakra sets you free from Earthly attachments and develops an understanding of your purpose.

A blocked crown chakra can lead to feeling frustrated and sluggish. It can also develop into destructive emotions such as rage, fear, greed, lust, envy, laziness, hurry, and depression. Feeling disconnected, numb, and aimless can also be signs of an imbalanced crown chakra. While an overactive crown chakra can lead a person to be too materialistic, with their need for material possessions never getting satisfied.

How to Balance Your Chakras

Various ways exist to balance the chakras. However, here are just four of the many techniques to support the chakras in flowing smoothly. These include:

1) Yoga Poses - Each of the chakras has specific yoga poses that activate its energy.

2) Breathing exercises – Breathwork is a powerful practice to not only open the chakras, but also your entire energy body.

3) Meditation - Helps you become aware of, embrace and acknowledge all aspects of yourself.

4) Affirmations - By repeating affirmations, you can contribute to the balancing of your chakras and change your negative thought patterns into positive ones.

5) Coffee - The hot, dry, stimulating qualities of coffee will boosting energy, mental clarity and keep your bowels regular. Plus, coffee bean is loaded with antioxidants.

Root Chakra

Affirmations: The universe supports me. I am peace.

Yoga poses: Tree pose, mountain pose, wide-leg forward fold, and malasana squats can help build a strong foundation essential for the flow of the root chakra.

Coffee: You can also consume Rooted & Grounded Coffee for a smooth and easy drink that will help in keeping you grounded and stable.

Other ways to balance the root chakra: Also, you can work with red by eating natural red foods, wearing red, or looking at red objects. Another way to open the root chakra is walking barefoot on Earth, whether that be grass, soil, or sand

Sacral Chakra

Affirmations: I express my creativity. My emotions are in balance.

Yoga poses: Pigeon pose, goddess pose, warrior two, or lizard pose are good poses to strengthen your pelvic area where the sacral chakra is located.

Coffee: Those who have pain in their knees and can't do yoga postures, try this amazing new flavor of coffee, Brewed Passion, that also supports the sacral chakra.

Other ways to balance the sacral chakra: Some ways that can open the sacral chakra are the intake of natural, orange-colored foods, dressing up in this color or looking at anything of this color. Also, you can submerge yourself in water

Solar Plexus Chakra

Affirmations: I feel calm, confident, and powerful. I am ready to implement new ideas.

Yoga poses: This chakra is present around the body’s core, so boat or triangle poses, twists, and warrior three create balance in the solar plexus chakra.

Coffee: Another way to support this chakra is to get your hands on a Cup of Vitality, a unique coffee flavor to enhance your well-being.

Other ways to balance the solar plexus chakra: To open the solar plexus chakra, incorporate yellow by eating natural yellow food, and wearing the color. You can also write in your journal to balance the solar plexus.

Heart Chakra

Affirmations: My heart is open to love. I survive with grace and gratitude.

Yoga poses: Backbends, reverse planks, and an upward-facing dog that opens the chest, shoulders, and arms.

Coffee: You can also sip this Infused with Love flavor of coffee to support the heart chakra.

Other ways to balance the solar plexus chakra: Keep the heart chakra flowing by consuming green food, wearing green clothes, and looking at green objects. You can also practice gratitude to open the heart chakra.

Throat Chakra

Affirmations: I hear and speak the truth. I feel free to convey my creative thoughts.

Yoga poses: Fish pose, plow pose, and shoulder stand help balance the back and sides of your neck, where throat chakra resides.

Coffee: If these haven’t gotten you results, try this aromatic, easy-to-drink Pressed Expression coffee that supports the throat chakra.

Other ways to balance the throat chakra: To unblock the throat chakra, eat natural blue food such as blueberries, concord grapes, and plums. You can also wear blue or stare at anything of this color. Additionally, being of service to others is one way to keep the throat chakra flowing.

Third Eye Chakra

Affirmations: I am clear in my thoughts. I can comprehend my vision.

Yoga poses: Forward fold, child pose, dolphin pose, or folded eagle, which connect your upper and lower body.

Coffee: Another way is to try this tasteful, aromatic Morning Insights coffee, which is also a great way to support the third eye chakra

Other ways to balance the third eye chakra: To activate the third eye chakra, you can try increasing the intake of indigo foods such as eggplant, figs, and raisins. Dressing up in the same color and placing a corresponding crystal between and slightly above your brow during meditation are also ways to open the third eye chakra.

Crown Chakra

Affirmations - I am open to new ideas. The world is my mentor.

Yoga Poses - Headstand, tree pose, corpse, or savasana.

Coffee - Try this unique flavored coffee, Taste of Wisdom, that helps support the crown chakra.

Other ways to balance the crown chakra: Also, you can eat natural white and violet foods such as garlic, cauliflower, and macadamia. Additionally, wearing violet-color clothes and energy healing can enrich the health of your crown chakra. Examples of energy work include qigong, reiki, acupuncture, massage, EFT, and many others.

The Bottom Line

Chakras are energy centers that run along the spine of the human body. For optimal wellbeing, they should remain open and free flowing. Blockage or mal-functioning of the chakras can affect your emotional, physiological and physical state.

There are different ways to unblock or open the chakras with yoga and meditation being some of the most common practices. Other methods to align chakras can be spending time in nature, repeating affirmations, and eating natural foods and drinks like coffee.

Want an easy and fast way to aid your chakras? Try our chakras support coffee now!