A reiki healing session, yoga, or introduction to Ayurveda should have exposed you to chakras. But just how much do you know about them? Chakras are energy centers arranged in a straight line down the human spine. The flow of energy in these chakras has to be balanced and unblocked for optimal health. However, this isn’t always the case; it is quite common for people to have blocked chakras. Unfortunately, this imbalance manifests physically, emotionally and sometimes psychologically. To undo these effects, you would need to unblock the affected energy center, and drinking coffee is one of the many ways you can achieve this.

Yes, drinking coffee can support the chakras of the body, as long as you associate the coffee with the energy you’re targeting. Roasted Zen offers a variety of coffee affiliated with chakras, such as Brewed Passion and Infused with Love. Before we proceed, though, a little background knowledge of chakras is necessary. Keep reading to learn about chakras, where they are located along the spine, and how they impact quality of life. 

What are the Seven Chakras?

There are seven main chakras. The heart chakra is among these. It is located right in the middle, near the heart (hence, the name). Transliterated from Sanskrit, the true name of this chakra is Anahata. Below are the locations of all seven chakras.

the dynamism of nature and energy depicted around a meditating figure

From top to bottom, as depicted in the image above, the 7 chakras are:

  1. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra)
  2. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra)
  3. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra)
  4. Anahata (Heart Chakra)
  5. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  6. Svadhishthana (Sacral Chakra)
  7. Muladhara (Root Chakra)


Each of these chakras has a symbol and color associated with it. In the case of Anahata, the symbol consists of 12 green lotus petals around a round center (enclosing a six-pointed star). The functions of the chakra differ as well. For instance, the root chakra is associated with stability, and the third eye chakra is important for wisdom, intuition, and imagination.

Just as chakras have influences on our existence, they can be influenced (blocked, balanced, or supported) also. Infused with Love is a medium-dark roast coffee that can support the Heart chakra. By extension, it affects love, compassion, balance and serenity, all of which are associated with this chakra.

The Usefulness of the Heart Chakra

lady meditating with heart chakra symbol

The love chakra, as Anahata is commonly called, is important for the manifestation of self-love. It is also involved in expressing love and compassion towards fellow humans and the environment. Conventional medicine doesn’t recognize this, but a blocked heart chakra can lead to a person feeling unnecessarily tired. It could also result in a breakdown in relationships, sadness, and more. Not to worry, though; it can be balanced again.

How to Unblock/Balance the Heart Chakra?

Earlier on, we implied that chakras are connected to yoga. That connection, among other, serve as a means for balancing these energy centers of the human body. Some other ways of balancing the Heart Chakra include:

  1. Meditation: Meditation is a useful focusing tool. It helps people achieve a state of calm and introspectiveness. This calm can facilitate chakra healing as well. To achieve this, you are to settle in a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes and imagine the green symbol of the heart chakra. While in this position, you can then silently chant the “YAM” mantra. Doing this for twenty minutes a day should help balance the heart chakra after a while.
  2. Affirmations: Affirmations and mantras help build self-confidence. The power of the mind has long been theorized on, and affirmations can help keep a positive mindset. All seven main chakras have affirmations attuned to their nature. Some appropriate affirmations for the Heart Chakra are:
    • “I am at peace with myself and others.”
    • “My heart is open to feel and give love.”
    • “I am compassionate towards others and the environment.”
    • “I am full of unconditional love and gratitude.”

Origins of ‘Infused with Love’

Front view of the Infused with Love product


Infused with Love is produced with coffee beans originating from Tanzania, specifically the Mbeya region. As far back as the 16th century, Tanzanians were recorded consuming coffee. However, their consumption wasn’t by the more conventional drinking method. Instead, they chewed, boiled and smoked the beans as needed.

For all the problems of the Tanzanian coffee trade, Infused with Love offers the very best of Tanzanian coffee quality. The altitude of the Mbeya region is measured at between 1200 – 1900 meters, meaning that its coffee can be classified as Strictly High Grown (SHG). As a consequence, this is nutrient-rich coffee that further confirms the quality of Infused with Love.

This medium-dark roast is as intense and acidic as most Tanzanian coffee. It also has flavor notes of strawberry, jasmine, pear, and a little shade of cedar.

Other Uses of Infused with Love

Beyond being a quality beverage, Infused with Love is closely associated with the Heart chakra. Similar to Brewed Passion (which has affiliations with the Sacral chakra), it is appropriate for spiritual use. Nonetheless, this coffee product is not limited to spiritualists; coffee lovers of all religions, sexes and ages are welcome to enjoy this unique roast.

The Heart chakra is the chakra of love, balance, serenity, bliss, compassion, and similar mindsets or emotions. The company behind the product, Roasted Zen, says it best:

“Open your heart to the flavors of acceptance and compassion as you indulge in a mug. Look within and offer self-love to your body, mind, and spirit.”


Infused with Love is good coffee on its own. However, when its spiritual effects are considered, it becomes a great drink. You can enjoy intense Tanzanian coffee while simultaneously opening your heart to the world. Spiritualist, yoga enthusiast, health guru, or just an ordinary coffee lover: Infused with Love should be a fixture in your morning caffeine routine.


April 21, 2022

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